
Groom’s Checklist Continued

September 25, 2012

Last month we shared part 1 of “The Groom’s Checklist“, which included a list of what The Groom would need to do at 3 months and 1 month before the wedding. As the big day approaches, here’s what you Guys need to make sure you handle:

One Week Out (Nervous Yet?)

  1. Start a day-of kit.  This should have everything you’re likely to need in it:  a copy of your vows, directions to the ceremony – in case you get any last minute calls from lost relatives, a checklist of toiletries and such you’ll need when getting dressed—especially if you plan to don your tux at the church or wedding venue.  Having this all lined up and ready to go will eliminate crisis situations before they arise.
  2. Bach it up.  The night before your wedding is the traditional night of the bachelor party; however, it may not always be the best time to have such a shindig.  Consider having your bachelor party a few days before – to give you time to recover and avoid any “hangover” type delays.
  3. Check on the transportation.  This means to and from the wedding venue and to wherever you’re going after that.  Nobody wants to get left behind.

The Day Of (It’s Finally Here)

This is just a short checklist of things you should have with you – all the heavy lifting is already done.

  1. The rings – priority number one.
  2. The vows – in your pocket at all times, even if you’ve “memorized” them.
  3. Your toiletries (including hair product, deodorant, cologne, and the like.
  4. The tux
  5. The shoes (people forget them all the time – keep them with the tux)
  6. Gum, mints, or mouthwash (bad breath ruins the party every time)
  7. A comb (in your pocket for “surprise” photo opportunities – it’s your job to make your wife look good)
  8. Your best man’s gift (you bought it but you still have to give it to him)
  9. A change of clothes for the reception and any parties after (don’t forget the shoes)
  10. Your driver’s license and keys.  You don’t want to forget that if you plan on going anywhere after the ceremony.
  11. A designated driver – always be safe.
